Islam in KFU: The University is 220 years’ old

23 December 2024

Kazan Federal University (KFU) celebrated its 220th anniversary. The celebration took place on November 22, 2024, and began with the grand opening of a bust of Emperor Alexander I, who signed the decree establishing the university in the early 19th century. Over its history, KFU has produced a galaxy of brilliant scientists, statesmen and public figures, whose names, discoveries and achievements are recognized throughout the world. The international status was also emphasized during the celebration - the Academic Council signed an agreement under which a branch of the university will be established in the United Arab Emirates. This is a logical step, given the university's experience in the comprehensive study of Islam.

In 2014, the Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University opened the "Resource Center for the Development of Islamic and Islamic Studies Education". The main goal of the project was to develop domestic Islamic education and improve measures to prevent extremism. The resource center acted as a coordinator of the institute's interactions with the Department of Oriental, African and Islamic Studies, as well as various research centers, including the Laboratory of State-Confessional Relations and the International Coordination Center "Islamica".

KFU pays special attention to the Republic of Tatarstan and the entire Volga Federal District, where live more than 6 million Muslims. Local research is conducted in parallel with the analysis of processes taking place in the Russian Ummah (primarily in such regions as Moscow, Crimea, the Urals and Western Siberia), as well as among Muslims of the CIS and far abroad. It should be noted that KFU acts as a partner of the three most significant Islamic universities in the country - the Russian Islamic Institute, Kazan Islamic University and the Bulgarian Islamic Academy. Cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences remains fundamentally important.

In addition, the university ensures integration with major international Islamic educational and outreach centers: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the International Center for the Study of Islamic History, Art and Culture, and others. KFU has interactions with the Religious Boards of Muslims of Russia and the Council for Islamic Education of the Russian Federation. At present, the Resource Center does not perform its previous functions in the implementation of the "Program for the Training of Specialists with In-Depth Knowledge of the History and Culture of Islam in Tatarstan", but continues research and educational activities.

Annual international conferences and round tables are held, including within the framework of the International Forum "Islam in a Multicultural World". The next forum, the 12th in a row, was solemnly held on September 29-30, 2022. KFU managed to establish a unique discussion platform where the widest range of issues related to Islam are discussed. The result of this activity are more than two hundred textbooks and scientific publications, online courses, special programs for imams, teachers of religious educational institutions and employees of government agencies.

In the research work of KFU associate professor and candidate of philological sciences Firdaus Vagapova and co-authors of "Contours of Value Guidelines of Islam: Experience of Educational and Outreach Programs in the University" also note that the use of the potential of Islam in the educational process of Russian society is aimed at achieving a specific result. The result of efforts should be the education of people capable of developing a dialogue of cultures and religions, as well as being able to prevent and resolve possible conflicts on this basis in the multicultural space of Russia and in the international sphere as a whole.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"