Chairman of the Russian Muftis' Council: The Year Has Been Marked by Steady Development of Russia's Cooperation with Islamic Countries

11 December 2024

The meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision (GSV) “Russia – Islamic World” is taking place at the end of 2024, a year marked by the continued strengthening of relations between Russia and the Muslim world. This was stated in the greeting of Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation (DUM RF), to the participants of the off-site meeting of the Group in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.


This year's theme of the meeting is “Russia and the Islamic World: Cooperation  in the Era of Emerging Multipolarity.”


“Despite the continued unprecedented pressure on Russia from the West, for the second consecutive year, Muslim countries have been increasingly establishing mutually beneficial, friendly contacts, based on historical experience, trust, and shared positions on key issues of the modern world order. This is reflected not only in the political sphere but also in the significant growth of trade, the active development of cooperation in the cultural, religious, economic, investment, and humanitarian areas. It is clear that the key factor here is the authority of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose position is aimed at building a multipolar world.


The BRICS summit held in Kazan in October vividly demonstrated Russia's international authority, the futility of efforts to isolate or undermine our country. The global organization, created by Russia, China, India, Brazil, and other major nations, has proven its viability, integration, and influence on global processes. The active participation of Muslim states in BRICS, such as the UAE, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, as well as Malaysia's partner status in BRICS and the involvement of other Islamic world countries, shows that modern colonialism is being countered by the desire of peoples for a multipolar world, understood not only in political or economic terms but also in cultural and civilizational aspects. The clear right to preserve their religious norms and beliefs, as well as the sanctity and inviolability of the Holy Scriptures, contributes to the consolidation of joint efforts to defend traditional values, including family principles. It is no coincidence that at this year's summer summit of religious leaders from BRICS countries, a resolution was signed on cooperation to preserve spiritual and moral family values, love for the homeland, rejection of extremism, and opposition to terrorism. Religious leaders of BRICS countries are confident in the expansion of spiritual dialogue, as the positions of their countries and peoples are harmonious, and moral issues were addressed by participants from different states both in theological and practical terms.


Tectonic shifts in the foundations of the world order, which have been in place for decades, elevate the right to civilizational diversity as an important mechanism for world stability. In recent years, it has become clear that the aggressive westernization agenda and the “standards” of secularism have failed — the role of religion is only increasing, and the constructive stance of the faithful on social issues is becoming a factor in stabilizing and harmonizing society.


In the Islamic world, it is well known that in Russia, the rights of believers are legally protected, and the values of the traditional family are enshrined in the country's fundamental law – the Constitution. As part of the Year of the Family, announced by President Vladimir Putin, the DUM RF initiated activities in 2024 within the framework of the Year of the Muslim Family. One of the most significant events was the successful International Conference on “Traditional Family Values in the Context of Global Transformations” held at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Participants expressed the need for the unification of societies that adhere to traditional family values to participate in integrative processes aimed at overcoming global challenges that threaten the institutional integrity of the family. They also noted that in the face of growing cultural changes and ideological pressure, it is essential to preserve common spiritual guidelines that unite our countries at the level of fundamental cultural and moral principles.


Russia’s federal structure, the centuries-old tradition of peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims, provides a real possibility for building and maintaining a polyconfessional society — essentially, creating a model based on a unique thousand-year experience. The work of our GSV “Russia – Islamic World” plays a crucial role in spreading knowledge about Islam in Russia. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov on being recently awarded the Order “For Services to the Fatherland” of the first degree by the decree of President Vladimir Putin. I pray for the success of today’s meeting, peace and prosperity for our peoples and countries, protection from the Almighty, and the swift overcoming of such challenging trials,” reads the message of Ravil Gaynutdin, Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, as read by the First Deputy Chairman of the DUM RF, Rushan Abbyasov.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev/TASS