Gaynutdin Announces Prayers for National Stability During Eid al-Adha

16 June 2024

The head of the Religious  Board (DUM)  of Muslims of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, has extended his congratulations to Muslims on the upcoming holiday of Eid al-Adha, which will be celebrated on Sunday. He highlighted that during the holiday, Muslims will pray to the Almighty for peace and stability in Russia and for an end to conflicts. Gaynutdin's message has been published on the official website of the DUM of Muslims of Russia.


“We pray to the Almighty Allah to grant peace and stability to our Motherland, well-being and health to our families, healing and recovery to the sick, and sustenance and prosperity to the poor and needy. [...] We ask the Lord of the worlds to put an end to turmoil and conflicts, to fill our hearts with mutual love and compassion, and to bestow peace and well-being upon all humanity,” the message reads.


According to the Mufti, the holiday of Eid al-Adha carries a deep moral significance and urges the remembrance of eternal values cherished by every Muslim: spiritual resilience, humility, mercy, and love for one’s neighbors.


“It is important to remember that the holiday itself and the sacrifice of animals to the Almighty is an act of worship, embodying the manifestation of submission for the endless blessings and mercies that Allah bestows upon us. [...] The essence of the sacrifice lies in submission, piety, and godliness. It is a symbolic expression of the readiness to sacrifice everything dear to us for the sake of faith in the Almighty Creator,” the message notes.


The history of Eid al-Adha is associated with the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who, as described in the Quran, received a command from the angel Jibril in a dream to sacrifice his firstborn son, Ismail. Ismail submitted to his father’s will and went with him to his death. When Allah saw Ibrahim’s faithfulness, He mercifully allowed him to replace his son with a lamb.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of Raisa RT

Based on materials from TASS