Celebrations in honor of the month of Mawlid are taking place in Tatarstan

16 September


The blessed month of Rabi-ul-Awwal began on September 3, 2024, with the sunset. This is one of the most significant months in the Islamic calendar, which is glorified as "Mawlid an- Nabi", translated from Arabic meaning "the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ". Mawlid is usually celebrated throughout the month. In addition to thematic evenings and majlises in the muhtasibats of Tatarstan, the largest events in the republic in honor of Mawlid were held on September 14 and 15.

On September 14, a traditional evening was held in the historical Galeevskaya Mosque of the Kazan, which brought together Kazan imams, heads of all areas of activity and organizations of the Muftiate of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as shakirds of Islamic educational institutions. The guests were greeted by the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin.

In his speech, Kamil Hazrat noted that in the Surah “Prophets” Allah points out the greatest mercy for people – the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . For this reason, Muslims must certainly show joy on the occasion of Mawlid. “Who was not happy about Mawlid? Iblis! He cried out when he learned of the birth of the Prophet”, - the mufti said in his sermon.

Kamil Hazrat noted that with the onset of the month of Mawlid, there are always those who oppose the celebrations. The Prophet ﷺ himself  celebrated his birthday while observing the fast. “This means that joy in Mawlid cannot be an innovation in Islam”, - the mufti emphasized.

Kamil Hazrat recalled that even Abu Lahab benefited from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , because at one time he rejoiced at the birth of his nephew. “This is the mercy of the Almighty for the joy on the occasion of Mawlid! Therefore, we love our prophet and will live according to his sunnah, and our reward should be even greater”, - the mufti said. Kamil Hazrat also called for reading one book about the life of the Prophet ﷺ  during this month.

At the evening, the famous “Mawlid” qasida was performed in the manner of the Tatar maqam. The poetic work was performed by artists Marcel Vagizov, Marat Galimov, Rustem Khusainov and Karim Gabdullatypov, as well as Ranis Gabbasov accompanied by the group "Saf". The ceremony of dua was concluded by the chairman of the Council of Aksakals of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, Airat Ayupov.

On September 15, the traditional event in honor of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  was held in the city of Bolgar. On this occasion, the RBM RT invited fellow believers, teachers and shakirds, imam- mukhtasibs, public and government figures to the White Mosque. First Deputy Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilfar Hazrat Khasanov congratulated all those present on behalf of Kamil hazrat Samigullin. In his speech, Ilfar Hazrat emphasized the merits, importance and necessity of holding Mawlid: “The Quran says: ‘And We have sent you (O Muhammad) only as a mercy for the worlds”. The Imam called on the participants of the evening to say salawats during the performance of qasida and to seek the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  on the Day of Judgment.

The pearl of the celebration in the White Mosque was the Mawlid qasida, which was performed by the above-mentioned artists. Chief Kazy of Tatarstan Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev noted that the tradition of performing qasida has always existed among the Tatars. The presented work was first performed in 2022 at the Mavlid evening in the Galeevskaya mosque.

Also on September 15, a celebration in honor of Mawlid was held in the Old Tatar Quarter of Kazan, on the site opposite the Al- Marjani Mosque. For the first time, such an event was held in an open format - on the pedestrian street of Kayum Nasyri. In addition to believers and religious figures, residents and guests of the capital of Tatarstan gathered. The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the RBM RT.

A rich thematic program was presented to the participants of the celebration, directed by an artist of the Galiasgar Kamal Theater Fanis Ziganshin. The children's ensemble under the direction of Gulnaz Gafurova, the ensemble "Marjan" at the mosque "Al- Marjani", Mingol Galiev, Zukhra Sakhabieva, Saidkamal Suenov, State Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Tatarstan and others performed on stage.

With vagaz and instructions to the audience, spoke Kamil Hazrat Samigullin, his deputy Ravil Hazrat Zuferov and imam-khatyb of the “Salah” mosque Timergali Hazrat Yuldashev. The Hazrats spoke about the merits of the month of Mawlid, gave reasons for holding events in honor of this month and called for loving the Prophet ﷺ  and following his Sunnah.

In addition, a thematic quiz was organized for children, following which the young participants received prizes. In turn, the National Competition of Beautiful Reading of the Quran among children aged 9-14 was held at the Bolgar Islamic Academy on September 15. The competition brought together about 30 children from all over Tatarstan. The winners received prizes, and all participants received gifts.

Also in Bolgar, for the participants of the celebration on the occasion of the month of Mawlid, the project of the mobile application “hochuHALAL” was presented – a modern ecosystem of online services, which unites the existing variety of goods and services of the halal industry.

In 2024, the blessed month of Rabi-ul-Awwal will last until October 3. Throughout the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, events are held that are accompanied by stories and qasidas about the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  and his companions, with praises to the Almighty and His Missionary ﷺ , religious chants and reading of the Holy Quran.



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