High-ranking representatives of Islam around the world have repeatedly had to remind the public that terrorists and extremists who commit mass murders of innocent people under the banner of religion are not Muslims. Leaders of world states agree with this opinion, emphasizing the blatant perversion of Islam by the murderers of the so-called "Islamic State" (banned in Russia), whose ideology is built on lies. What a distorted understanding of sacred sources is capable of is demonstrated by the special status of the Western "white master".
The study by Russian philosophers Oleg Parilov and Ruslan Sobko, “The Metaphysical Justification of War and European-American Racism, Neocolonialism” turns to Old Testament stories about the conquest of the Promised Land by the Jews. They affirm the idea of a chosen people waging a “holy” war. However, the New Testament tones down the degree of militaristic rhetoric. The early Christian apologist Tertullian writes: “Is it permissible to lead the life of a sword-bearer, when God proclaims that he who uses the sword will perish by the sword?… ”.
The idea of divine blessing of a "just war" takes shape in the 4th century. The Edict of Milan establishes Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire and the need to protect the Empire from external aggression. Byzantine Emperor Leo VI writes in his "Tactics": "...A man who defends himself against others who act unjustly has the right to divine justice...". Byzantium continues to actualize war sanctified by God; the criteria for its legality are the justice of war, adherence to a spiritual idea, and the personal piety of the combatants.
Philosophers Parilov and Sobko emphasize the important task of their research – to determine the relationship between the metaphysical explanation of the “just war” in antiquity and the justification of European and American racism, as well as the colonial wars that Western civilization continues to wage. Revelations of the former EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell's description of Europe as a "garden" and the "jungle" surrounding this garden shows the grin of modern European racism. Meanwhile, this phenomenon received a religious basis on the North American continent during the colonization of the continent by Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
The feeling of superiority of the colonizers over the native peoples is related to the Protestant (primarily Calvinist) worldview: God's blessing belongs to the successful. Thus, the expansion of the Anglo-Saxons receives a metaphysical motive, but the indicators of God's blessing of the "holy" war with the natives are already different - this is a civilizational and military success, implying material and technical superiority. If the conquest goes well, then God Himself guides your hand, eliminating doubts about the legality of the genocide of the Indians and the enslavement of the supposedly inferior Negroid race .
The identity of the ethical codes of the colonizers and the ancient Jews is striking: both are allowed to kill foreigners, and cannot mix or interact with them. "... America will always be a shining city on a hill...," the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, said in his address to the nation. Americans imagine themselves as a modern chosen people who have made a covenant with God. Arrogant ideas take root in the public consciousness and form dubious ideologies.
The modern war that Russia is involved in with the united West corresponds to the criteria of divine blessing expressed in ancient times: the establishment of a just multipolar world, the protection of traditional values and the impossibility of victory without the spiritual renewal of society. Lies, the manifestation of double standards, the conscious rejection of the fundamental principles and the discrediting of Christian ethics - these tendencies in Western civilization associate it with the Old Testament fallen Nephilim - corrupt, but successful in politics and urban development, but doomed to defeat in a war with a spiritual people.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: Pat WilsonCZ75/Creative Commons 2.0