Participants of the "Primakov Readings" to Discuss BRICS Role and Eurasian Cooperation

25 June

The role of BRICS in shaping the new global economic architecture, the vectors of cooperation among Greater Eurasian countries, and the impact of crises on the future contours of European security will be discussed by participants of the tenth anniversary "Primakov Readings." The theme of this year's two-day international scientific and expert forum is "Russia in the Global Context."


The conference is expected to feature prominent figures such as Yuri Ushakov, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation; Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Sergey Lebedev, Secretary-General of the CIS; as well as Russian and foreign experts in international security, global politics, and economics, representatives of public organizations, and politicians. Organizers noted that this year's main program will begin with a session dedicated to the scientific and political legacy of Yevgeny Primakov, in honor of the 95th anniversary of his birth this fall. Primakov was a statesman who led the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the government.



Economic Resilience


At the core of the discussions will be the role of BRICS in forming a new global economic structure, the vectors of cooperation among Greater Eurasian countries, security in the Baltic region, and the influence of contemporary crises on the future contours of European security. The role of culture in international relations will also be highlighted, as noted by the organizing committee.


"In the past nearly 10 years, we have discussed global issues: the risks of returning to confrontation, the horizons of post-globalization, the rise of Eurasia, and the characteristics of the post-COVID world," said Alexander Dynkin, President of IMEMO RAS and academician. "We warned about the strategic miscalculations of the West regarding hopes for an economic catastrophe in Russia due to an unprecedented sanctions war in modern history; the inviolability of a unipolar world order; and the possibility of a global blockade of our export-oriented economy."


According to him, such "strategic irrationality" is a consequence of linear thinking, a lack of understanding of the global shifts in the balance of power in the 21st century, and the elevation of Anglo-Saxon or European historical and political experience to an absolute. "The main surprise for our adversaries was the fantastic resilience of the Russian economy," Dynkin emphasized.


About the Forum


The "Primakov Readings" were first held in 2015. The forum has gained the status of a respected international platform for discussing scenarios for the development of international relations, challenges in international security, and new models of interaction among global political entities.


GSV "Russia - Islamic World"


Based on TASS materials