Efforts to establish a Russian Science and Culture Center (RSCC) in Bamako, the capital of Mali, are progressing as both sides work on finalizing an intergovernmental agreement, Russian Ambassador to Mali and Niger Igor Gromyko said in an interview with TASS.
"It’s too early to specify an opening date for the RSCC in Bamako. Active work on an intergovernmental agreement is ongoing. Establishing such institutions requires time and effort," the ambassador noted.
Gromyko highlighted that three partner "Russian Houses" are currently operating in Bamako and Niamey, the capital of Niger. These centers promote Russian culture, science, and education, strengthen the position of the Russian language, and support compatriots while organizing various projects.
"There is consistently high interest from Malians and Nigeriens in the events held by these centers. We look forward to the opening of the RSCC in Mali, which will elevate cultural and humanitarian cooperation between our countries to a new level," the diplomat emphasized.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: Torsten Schreiber/Creative Commons 4.0
Based on materials from TASS