A reliable message that continues to come down to our time from the depths of centuries is: “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler”. Every wanderer will return home one day, but by the will of the Almighty, humanity continues to walk the map of world history, and countries and states walk with it. In the era of inorganic truth, true connection still plays a major role in the conversation between these large communities. Driven by the dialogue of civilizations, Russia and Malaysia, surrounded by tropical forests, discussed ways of cooperation and mutual understanding.
The flight from Moscow to Malaysia by commercial airline takes about 13 hours. The flight time includes a transfer in Sheikh Zayed International Airport of Abu Dhabi. From a bird's eye view, the capital of the United Arab Emirates is amazing. The city lights resemble precious stones sewn into the black silk of the night. The beautiful appearance is worthy of the lands where Islamic civilization once flourished. These lands are full of history and heritage, reminding us the path of mankind, thousands of years long, through a rich palette of cultures, traditions and beliefs.
The evening Abu Dhabi airport greets travelers with a Christmas tree. Although Muslims do not celebrate the New Year, this symbol of hospitality and good nature speaks to how open the UAE capital is to visitors from all over the world. A small gesture brings comfort and warmth to travelers far from home. Modern paths to cultural enrichment, despite the ease gained by technology, continue to hide difficulties. With the rapid exchange of information, it can be difficult to perceive messages.
In a world where distances are reduced, it is important to understand and respect different points of view and customs that embody universal values. As it happens in Malaysia, where the Russian winter gives way to a hot tropical summer, and another geographical zone takes five hours away from Moscow time. This state in Southeast Asia has become a shining example of how different cultures can coexist and enrich each other. Islam, which once landed on the shores of the Malay Archipelago together with Muslim merchants, continues to intertwine with local traditions to this day, forming a unique cultural landscape.
In Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, Chinese temples are being built, the Little India district is blooming with all the colors of life, and the Institute of Islamic Thought is studying the life of the modern world through the prism of this religion. The Malays honor the feats of their ancestors who died in battles for independence from the British Empire and the occupiers in the person of the Japanese fascists and militarists. However, the past does not oppress the local civilized society - no one is trying to destroy monuments of colonial architecture and forever erase the pages of the history of the Malaysian state.
The International Islamic University, located outside of Kuala Lumpur, is surrounded by mountains. The breathtaking scenery inspires religious study at this educational institution. The ridges, covered with dense forest, stretch from the north to the south of the country. The rich and viscous greenery of tropical trees greets visitors to the capital and sees them off on the way to the airport, as if growing right before the eyes of travelers. Gradually, it begins to give way to houses peeking out of the jungle - some modestly, while others are already large-scale, like modern residential complexes.
In the business center of Kuala Lumpur, buildings soar upward, further and further from the endless greenery of trees. Parts of some modern buildings are still covered with vegetation, and this artistic solution seems very attractive and successful. Meanwhile, a developed network of long overpasses forms an intricate pattern of the capital's traffic. The glitter of numerous skyscrapers and new constructions indicate the success of the Malaysian economy; however, it is difficult to capture the tense bustle of life in Kuala Lumpur.
In this beautiful place, in December 2024, was held the regular meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World", calling on the parties to dialogue in the era of the formation of a new multipolar world order. Each of us is a traveler on this new route of learning about the wealth of other traditional cultures and mutual respect.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: zibik/Unsplash