The wisdom of Islam against digital threats

15 January 2024


In the modern world we often hear about various conflicts based on religion. But to a greater extent confessional affiliation is just a justification for aggressive actions. The real reasons for certain conflicts are unequal access to social, material and information resources. Friendship between nations belonging to different religious doctrines is a guarantee of stability and order in modern society. The desire for friendship between nations in modern Russia is not an element of communist ideology; a similar idea has long been proclaimed by great thinkers and poets: Confucius, Pushkin, Goethe, Rustaveli, Nizami, Omar Khayyam and many others.

Religion, like culture, determines the direction and depth of society's development. Manifesting itself in the new qualities of modern times, Islam, like all Abrahamic religions, brings order and stability to the life of society. At the same time, the creed remains unchanged. Confidence in the righteousness of life gives believers calmness and a sense of peace, a feeling of completeness and saturation. Saturation is possible only in the digital space due to the abundance of not entirely clear, contradictory information. Wisdom lies in preserving tradition and integrating it into the modern social order without conflict or violence.

The new meaning of the words in the Quran doesn't contradict the sacred texts themselves, but confirms their truth. The Quran, as well as the Bible and the Torah, can be considered a saving and enlightening heritage for posterity. As society progresses, the true meaning of the words of the scriptures for the present time becomes clearer. To correctly understand what is said in the Quran, one must be a believer and read its sacred texts with awareness. But it is impossible to deny the ideological influence of alien interests. The traditional language of nations professing Islam contains an explanation of all the phenomena that occur in their lives. But very often traditional meanings are replaced by foreign amoeba words and lexical parasites, and the replacement of false words with numbers looks even more frightening.

The new digital reality has a strong influence on people. It covers all spheres of life, any human actions become the property of virtuality. Being in the digital sphere gives a person a feeling of already discovered truth, obtained by other people. But in reality, illusory perception turns out to be just a surrogate. Societies with Muslim culture, like any other traditional societies, oppose such counterfeiting. At the same time, it is doubtful to talk about muslim resistance to scientific progress and social development, which is proven by generally accepted historical facts.

The wisdom of Islamic culture takes on great importance in opposing the organization of a single control center with a single program for the development of mankind, where each nation is assigned its own subordinate role. In modern times there are no real cultural conditions and necessity for the formation of such concept. In searching for the meaning of the culture of the Islamic world, without relying on its traditional values, it becomes impossible to find anything. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the Islamic faith, the truth and wisdom of which will help solve many problems and conflicts. Islamic wisdom is demonstrated in the formation of a highly developed culture.

Culture determines the development of science, society, civilization and ways of communicating with the outside world. The prosperity of culture is based on genuine knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam. A correct understanding of the fundamentals contributes to confidence in actions that reflect the achievements of humans and society in culture, architecture, art and many other areas. An object taken out of its cultural context is unattractive and just the integrity of culture determines its strength and meaning. The more insincere a person is, the more unsure he is of the consequences of his actions, and indeed of the development of the world in general. Human passions make it impossible to understand current events, and misunderstanding leads to delusions and weakness.

Communication in the digital space absorbs a person and his inner world. The interlocutor must first of all please the person with whom he interacts regarding a particular social task or need. Behavior becomes the norm — every person wants to live “like the rest.” But stereotypes that have already been produced by someone, which are always based on the worst qualities of a person, don’t allow us to evaluate the world with our own mind and eyes. They acquire the property of universality and become invisible and which is the most terrible thing - natural. The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes continues to search during the day with a torch for a real person among the puzzled people.

Meanwhile, the traditions of Islamic spiritual life are influenced by the new values of civilization. In society, despite its chaotic movement, there is a certain order. It can be identified, and therefore controlled, by constantly adding (through rumors and gossip, and today in the media) different facts, and giving them a certain interpretation to form stereotypes that are beneficial for the forces interested in this. While the legitimation of certain actions must be approved by the highest truth in order to acquire justified meaning. The role of the traditions of Islamic culture determines the stability of the worldview, which serves as a source for the development of common values for humanity.

The study of implicit manifestations of wisdom in Islamic culture, which has an impressive potential for revealing the shortcomings of modern civilization, is becoming an important direction of scientific thought. The depravity of the modern world, sinfulness, satiety with the benefits of civilization and, as a result, emptiness, push a person to escape into the digital space, forming a vicious circle of mental suffering. The alienation of a person from society threatens social stability and integrity, and order in the world. Islamic culture has existed intact for many centuries and continues to maintain its own inviolable values - faith in one God and knowledge of the fundamentals of religion.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Adeniji Abdullahi A/Unsplash