Lebanese Prime Minister Urges to Prevent Country from Becoming a Battleground for Endless Wars

26 June

The Lebanese government is striving to restore the ceasefire on the southern border in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 conflict with Israel, Prime Minister Najib Mikati said during a joint press conference in Beirut with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin.


“Lebanon must not be turned into a battleground for endless wars originating from the south of the country,”  — said Mikati. — “It is essential to implement the relevant international resolutions to put an end to Israel's expansionist ambitions.”


He emphasized that stability in Lebanon “should not be contingent on regional conflicts that do not serve its interests.”


Cardinal Parolin, in turn, stated that his mediating mission aims “to help the suffering Lebanese people.” “The Middle East is going through a difficult period, and Pope Francis, who maintains constant contact with Palestinians and Israelis, is calling for peace, an end to confrontation, the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip, and the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population,” he noted.


The Vatican Secretary of State also expressed deep concern over the fact that Lebanon has yet to elect a new president. “Lebanon is a country of shared and fraternal life among many religious communities, and the president symbolizes its unity. Therefore, local politicians must fulfill their duty to elect a new head of state,” Cardinal Parolin stressed.


Lebanon's highest office has been vacant since October 31, 2022, when General Michel Aoun left the Baabda presidential palace at the end of his six-year term. On June 14, 2023, Lebanese parliamentarians made their 12th attempt to elect a president, but none of the candidates secured the necessary support of 65 out of 128 lawmakers.


According to Lebanon's confessional system, the prime minister is a Sunni Muslim, the speaker of parliament is a Shia Muslim, and the president is elected from the Maronite community, which includes the majority of local Christians.



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Photo: Rami Mohsen/Creative Commons 2.0

Based on materials from TASS