Slutsky: Terror Attacks in Crimea and Dagestan Orchestrated from Abroad to Divide the Russian People

24 June

The terror attacks in Sevastopol and Dagestan were orchestrated from abroad with the intent to divide the Russian people and spread panic, Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and leader of the LDPR, wrote on his Telegram channel.


"The terror attacks in Sevastopol and Dagestan on the bright holiday of the Holy Trinity cannot be coincidental. I am certain these tragic events were orchestrated from abroad to incite panic and divide the Russian people," the deputy noted.


According to Slutsky, the United States and its European satellites, unable to accept the actual defeat of their "Kiev puppets" on the fronts of the special military operation, have become outright sponsors of state terrorism. He emphasized that the blood of the terror attack victims is also on their hands. "The inhumans who attacked temples, synagogues, clergymen, and peaceful citizens deserve the harshest punishment. But those who stand behind the terrorists, who direct these beasts, who supply deadly weapons, and give them impunity to kill women, the elderly, and children, must not escape responsibility," added the head of the Duma committee.


He expressed condolences to the families and friends of the deceased and wished a speedy recovery to the injured. "Dagestan, Sevastopol—we are with you! Russia cannot be intimidated! We are strong and united. Both the Ukrainian fascists and extremists will answer for everything," the parliamentarian concluded.


Incidents in Sevastopol and Dagestan


On June 23, Ukraine launched an attack on the civilian infrastructure of Sevastopol using ATACMS tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads. Four missiles were intercepted, and the fifth exploded over the city. According to Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev, the attack resulted in the deaths of four people, including two children, and over 150 people were injured. The Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal case under the article of terrorism. June 24 has been declared a day of mourning in Sevastopol and Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the people of Sevastopol.


Shortly afterward, militants attacked two Orthodox churches, two synagogues, and a traffic police post in Derbent and Makhachkala, Dagestan. The attacks resulted in at least 10 deaths, including law enforcement officers, and 25 injuries. A criminal case has been initiated under Article 205 of the Russian Criminal Code (terrorist act).



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Photo: Federation Council

Based on TASS materials