Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi: Russia and Islamic World Forge Comprehensive Partnership

16 May

Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the World Muslim Communities Council (UAE), addressed the plenary session of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World," held within the framework of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum-2024." He conveyed greetings from the leadership of the UAE to the meeting participants and extended wishes for the success of its proceedings.


"The partnership between Russia and the Islamic world represents a comprehensive collaboration encompassing various spheres. As we discuss strategic vision today, it is imperative to analyze our cooperation comprehensively, including political and economic aspects. There exist numerous shared issues and challenges between Russia and the Islamic world, underscoring the importance of forging a genuine partnership between our nations, both within the private sector and at the governmental level. We must recognize the significance of such gatherings as avenues for dialogue, new initiatives, and project proposals, reflecting our strategic partnership," remarked Al Nuaimi.


"Today, we speak of a multipolar world order. Yet, achieving this paradigm shift requires more than mere political will. We must endeavor to ensure that the progress of our nations translates into the prosperity and independence of our citizens, contributing to the realization of a multipolar arrangement. This necessitates concrete initiatives from both Russia and Islamic countries, focusing on enhancing economic partnership and extending this cooperation into other domains. Such initiatives will fortify our integration in political decisions, bolstering our national independence while accounting for national nuances. Initiatives in public, cultural, and youth policies are equally crucial and can only be realized through economic partnership. Our gathering today contributes meaningfully to these objectives," emphasized Al Nuaimi.


"Despite the presence of forces that artificially create crises, it is incumbent upon us to confront these challenges with our own strategic vision. We must prioritize our actions and mobilize global support for pressing issues such as the plight of the Palestinian people. Beyond mere rhetoric, we must take tangible steps to alleviate their suffering, ensuring their access to food, medicine, and dignified living conditions. It is imperative that we translate our words into action, standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people and supporting their aspirations for an independent state. Our support must be substantive, extending beyond declarations to concrete measures that improve the lives of Palestinians," concluded the speaker.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the Rais RT