CSTO Welcomes Participation of Kazakh Peacekeepers in UN Mission on Golan Heights

25 June


The Permanent Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has expressed a positive stance on the participation of Kazakhstan's national contingent of peacekeepers in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) on the Golan Heights. This was stated in an announcement on the organization's website.

"The [Permanent Council] welcomes the independent participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan's national peacekeeping contingent as part of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force on the Golan Heights and expresses confidence that this experience will serve as a practical contribution to further enhancing the potential of the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces and expanding their capabilities," the CSTO noted.

The organization confirmed its commitment to the continued systematic training of CSTO Peacekeeping Force contingents, both through national programs and in the format of regular joint CSTO peacekeeping exercises "Indestructible Brotherhood," including in accordance with UN standards.

"Adhering to the provisions of the CSTO Collective Security Strategy for the period up to 2025, in the context of the possible deployment of CSTO peacekeeping forces in UN peacekeeping operations, [the Permanent Council] reaffirms the readiness of CSTO member states to cooperate in the field of peacekeeping with the UN. It confirms the commitment of CSTO member states to maintaining international peace and security in accordance with the UN Charter and considers support for UN peacekeeping activities as one of the current tasks of the CSTO," the statement read.

In March, a peacekeeping contingent of 139 Kazakh military personnel was deployed as part of the UN Disengagement Observer Force on the Golan Heights.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: RF Ministry of Defense

Based on TASS materials