Farit Mukhametshin: “Traditional values don’t stand still. They develop while maintaining their value"

25 July 2024


Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia - Islamic World” Farit Mukhametshin spoke at the V International Scientific and Theological Conference “The Spiritual Silk Road: the significance of religious values in the Greater Eurasia space”, held in Kazan on July 25, 2024.

“The theme of today’s conference proposed by the organizers fully corresponds to the social political situation in which the world finds itself today. For our side, the fundamental similarity of the social, humanitarian and ideological positions of Islam and Orthodoxy is of particular importance. The unity of Muslims and Orthodox Christians in Russia, as well as representatives of other traditional religions, is the pillar of Russian society to protect common spiritual values from outside encroachment”, - said Farit Mukhametshin.

The diplomat also noted the unique experience of the Russian Federation as a multi-religious state in building mutually respectful interreligious dialogue. The GSV “Russia – Islamic World” carries out its activities in this direction. The international events held by the Group clearly demonstrate the increasing role of multilateral cooperation between Russia and Muslim countries. As an example, Farit Mukhametshin led the GSV’s International Conference held in Kazan on May 16, 2024 on the topic “Russia - Islamic World: Fair Multipolar World Order and Secure Development”, - which was attended by more than two hundred politicians, scientists, public figures, and religious leaders from 45 countries of the Islamic world.

“Most speakers say that the West is trying to replace international law with a system of rules aimed solely at serving their own interests”, - said Farit Mukhametshin. The diplomat called various methods of pressure from Western countries a clear manifestation of the modern form of neo-colonialism.

The speaker noted the support of the Group's activities from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Six principles for the formation of genuine multipolarity, put forward by him at the Valdai Forum on October 5, 2023, namely: openness of dialogue; respect for multipolarity as the foundation of joint development; maximum representativeness of global governance structures; general security based on a balance of common interests; fair access to development benefits and equality for all; rejection of the dictates of the rich and powerful - should contribute to the task of building a new world order.

Farit Mukhametshin also recalled the X BRICS Parliamentary Forum that took place on July 11-12 in St. Petersburg. The main topic of the forum was the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. During the meeting, Vladimir Putin addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

In his speech, the Russian President noted that “the theme of the forum emphasizes the nature of the global fundamental transformations that are taking place in the world today. And your opening of the discussion, the direct conversation of people’s representatives with each other, is fully in tune with the philosophy itself, the principles of the worldview of our organization: this is taking into account each other’s interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty, for the right to the unique development of everyone”.

In a joint declaration, parliamentarians stated that they intend to strengthen legislative support to strengthen the BRICS strategic partnership in three main areas of cooperation: politics and security, economics and finance, cultural and humanitarian ties. Thus, the participants confirmed their commitment to the BRICS spirit, which implies mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness and consensus.

The diplomat noted that the theme of the current conference reflects two key aspects: the coincidence of interests of Russia and the countries of the Islamic world on key issues, as well as the joint defense of traditional values and the upholding and strengthening of security measures. Concluding his speech, the speaker emphasized that an event like the scientific and theological conference “Spiritual Silk Road” is not only an important contribution to strengthening international dialogue and upholding the foundations of traditional spiritual and national values, but also acts as an important tool for intellectual enrichment and deepening mutual understanding.

“We must remember that traditional values don’t stand still. They develop and adapt to a changing world, while maintaining their uniqueness and value. Therefore, it’s important not only to preserve traditions, but also to look to the future”, - concluded Farit Mukhametshin.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Federation Council