Head of the Ministry of Economy of Oman at KazanForum: Our Cooperation is Aimed at Concluding Agreements on Free Trade Zones

17 May

At the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024," Said bin Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Saqri, Minister of Economy of the Sultanate of Oman, highlighted the significant strides in cooperation between Russia and Oman, particularly in the realm of economic partnerships. Addressing the session on "Financial and Logistics Infrastructure of Russia and OIC Countries," Al Saqri outlined the strategic focus on concluding free trade zone agreements.


Al Saqri emphasized that both multilateral and bilateral cooperation between Russia and Oman are progressing well, with a strong emphasis on enhancing investment ties. He mentioned that existing frameworks, such as agreements on investment protection and promotion, play a crucial role in fostering this cooperation.


"For the past 50 years, OIC member countries have significantly invested in infrastructure, including ports and seaports within the logistics sector, symbolizing open free economic zones," Al Saqri noted. He pointed out the strategic geographical positions of OIC countries, which are increasingly recognized globally, fostering a competitive environment for cooperation.


Al Saqri highlighted the importance of transportation corridors, particularly the North-South corridor, as a critical project for expanding cooperation and investment frameworks. He emphasized that these transportation projects have the potential to link with other initiatives, including those in the private sector. "The necessary foundations for this cooperation have already been laid. We must continue to act and align our legislation with these plans to fully realize the potential of our partnerships," he concluded.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"