Husnullin: Russia's Relations with the Islamic World are of a Strategic Partnership Nature

16 May

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World," currently underway as part of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum-2024."


The deputy prime minister commenced by reading a welcome message from Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed to the forum participants:


"I extend my warm welcome to all participants and guests of the XV International Economic Forum 'Russia - Islamic World,' hosted graciously by Kazan.


Tatarstan once again showcases its abundant potential and steadfast commitment to progress across various domains. The region's achievements in the economy, social sphere, science, and culture are truly remarkable, serving as tangible evidence of the significant contributions made by Russian Muslims and residents of the republic, irrespective of nationality, towards the development of our nation. This furthers the strengthening of our sovereignty and global influence, ensuring stability and harmony within our society.


Russia cherishes its longstanding amicable relations with Muslim nations. We highly value their pursuit of independent foreign policies and their endeavors to augment their role in international affairs. Together, we advocate for the establishment of a democratic, multipolar world order founded on the supremacy of law and principles of justice, free from any form of imposition or discrimination. Moreover, we remain committed to expanding mutually beneficial cooperation across various sectors, ranging from trade and investment to sports and tourism.


The ongoing meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision 'Russia - Islamic World,' featuring representatives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, holds great significance. It underscores the growing interaction between Russia and this esteemed international body on pertinent regional and global issues.


I am confident that the forum's deliberations will, as always, be substantive and constructive, fostering an atmosphere of openness and trust, thereby further bolstering the friendship and constructive partnership between our nations and peoples. I wish you all fruitful discussions and every success."


Addressing the development of relations with Islamic countries, Husnullin reiterated that it remains a key priority of Russian foreign policy:


"The relations between Russia and the countries of the Islamic world are characterized by a strategic partnership. This partnership gains momentum through the Group of  Strategic Vision 'Russia - Islamic World,' under the leadership of Rais of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. Over the past 15 years, the Group has fostered close and comprehensive contacts between Russia and Islamic countries. All this unfolds amidst contemporary challenges and threats, as well as the profound upheavals affecting the Middle East. In such circumstances, it becomes paramount to convey the essence of the Russian people, who have consistently stood for truth and peace. Islam, the ancestral faith of millions of Russian citizens, has significantly shaped the unique Russian civilization, where individuals of diverse nationalities and faiths coexist harmoniously," emphasized Marat Husnullin.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the Rais RT