Kyrgyzstan and Russia Agree to Exchange Security Information

19 September

Representatives from the defense ministries of Kyrgyzstan and Russia have agreed to share information regarding the situation and activities of their respective armed forces. This agreement was announced by the press service of Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Defense.


On September 19, 2024, a working meeting took place in Cholpon-Ata, in Kyrgyzstan's Issyk-Kul region. The meeting involved representatives from Kyrgyzstan’s General Staff Crisis Response Center and Russia’s National Defense Management Center. The discussion focused on the “organization of information exchange in the daily operations and activities of both nations' military forces.”


The purpose of this exchange is to ensure that high-ranking military officials on both sides are promptly informed of any changes in the security environment that could impact national interests, as well as of ongoing military activities.


Kyrgyzstan and Russia have a long history of cooperation in the realm of security since Kyrgyzstan’s independence. A few years ago, the two nations signed an agreement under which Russia provided Kyrgyzstan with military equipment and weapons valued at $1 billion at no cost.


Russia also maintains a joint military base in Kyrgyzstan, which includes several key facilities: an airbase in Kant (Chuy region), an anti-submarine weapons testing base (Issyk-Kul region), a naval communications hub (Chuy region), and a seismological laboratory operated by Russia’s Ministry of Defense.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Based on materials from TASS