Palestine Deems Any Foreign Presence in Gaza Illegitimate

01 July

The Palestinian leadership has declared any foreign presence in the Gaza Strip illegitimate, only the Palestinian people have the right to govern their territories, Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for the Palestinian leadership, said.


"Foreign forces do not and will not have any legitimate right to be in Palestinian territories. Only our people can decide who will manage their affairs," Abu Rudeina stated to the WAFA news agency. He highlighted that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) "will not allow a foreign presence not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank." Abu Rudeina underscored that "only the Palestine Liberation Organization is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and has authority over all territories of the State of Palestine, including Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem."


On May 2, Palestinian presidential adviser Mahmoud al-Habbash acknowledged that the military presence of Arab countries in the Gaza Strip might become a topic of discussion once the current round of escalation ends.


The issue of the post-war organization and administration of the Gaza Strip remains highly contentious among Arab and foreign mediators involved in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement. Arab countries, such as Egypt and Qatar, strongly oppose the involvement of Israel in the post-war administration of Gaza, while Israeli authorities intend to maintain their military presence in the enclave.


Various initiatives have been proposed, including the introduction of a UN peacekeeping contingent to Gaza, but no unified vision has yet emerged regarding the future governance of the area after the conflict concludes.



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Photo: Dixit Dhinakaran/Unsplash

Based on TASS materials