Russia Plans New Inter-Palestinian Meeting

06 June

Russia is planning to organize another round of inter-Palestinian negotiations, following what was deemed a historic breakthrough at the previous meeting. This announcement was made by Mikhail Bogdanov, the Russian President's Special Representative for the Middle East and African Countries and Deputy Foreign Minister.


“Of course, [there are plans],” Bogdanov confirmed when asked about the potential for new talks. He highlighted the significance of the last meeting, noting, “When they [negotiators] parted ways for the last time, it was, I believe, a historic breakthrough. They signed a joint consensus declaration for the first time."


Bogdanov explained that as a result of the meeting, “all organizations, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, recognized the leading role of the Palestine Liberation Organization and expressed their intention to join it.” Additionally, there was an agreement on a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


After the Moscow meeting, Palestinian representatives were invited by the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Beijing for further discussions, which Bogdanov described as beneficial. He emphasized the cumulative effect of diplomatic efforts, likening it to a law of physics: “The quantity of meetings and conversations leads to the quality of mutual understanding.”


The previous consultations in Moscow, held on March 1-2, aimed to bridge internal Palestinian divisions. The Russian platform hosted delegates from factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization, including Fatah, as well as participants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, totaling representatives from over 10 organizations.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on TASS materials