Russian Representative: UN Security Council Held Hostage by US on Gaza Ceasefire

14 August

The UN Security Council (UNSC) increasingly resembles a passive observer and has effectively become a hostage to the US position on the immediate ceasefire in Gaza, stated Dmitriy Polyanskiy, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.


"Due to the complicity of our American colleagues with Israel, the Council has unfortunately not been able to develop a clear response to the escalating crisis in the Middle East. In essence, the UNSC is becoming more of a passive and powerless observer, only able to note the further degradation of the situation and ritualistically express concern. I will go further—14 members of the Security Council have become hostages to the US, which blocks any actions in favor of an immediate ceasefire," he said during a UNSC meeting.


Polyanskiy recalled that Russia abstained from voting on the US-proposed UNSC resolution 2735, which aimed to support negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian movement Hamas for a ceasefire in Gaza, because Moscow "had serious doubts about the feasibility of this resolution." "As time has shown, all these doubts were confirmed," Polyanskiy concluded.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: AP/TASS

Based on TASS materials