Journalist from Jakarta: “Relations between Indonesia and Russia are positive”

16 August

After the IX International Conference of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia - Islamic World”, television journalist of the national channel TVRI (Indonesia) Andi Aso Salipausan shared his opinion about the presented event. The conference on the topic “Russia - Islamic World: Fair Multipolar World Order and Secure Development” was held on May 16, 2024 in Kazan as part of the economic summit “KazanForum 2024”.

“In Jakarta, we work closely with the Russian Embassy. Bilateral relations between Indonesia and Russia have been positive since the time of our first President Sukarno. They are really very good”, - the journalist noted. In his opinion, KazanForum is a very large-scale event, and as many countries as possible should take part in it in order to see the aspirations of many people around the world.

It is worth noting that on behalf of the state of Indonesia, the Chairman of the global organization “Wasatiyat Islam” (“Moderate Islam” – editor’s note), professor of the National Islamic University in Jakarta (Indonesia) and member of GSV Din Shamsuddin, took part in the conference. In his speech, Professor Shamsuddin, among other theses, called for viewing Russia and the Islamic world not as a binary opposition, but as two forces that complement each other and ensure the safety of the future of humanity.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Federation Council