Professor Din Shamsuddin: “Cooperation between Russia and the Islamic world can be a solution to the problems of civilization”

02 August


After the IX International Conference of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia - Islamic World”, Chairman of the global organization “Wasatiyat Islam” (“Moderate Islam” – editor’s note), professor of the National Islamic University in Jakarta (Indonesia) and member of GSV Din Shamsuddin shared his opinion about the event and the strengths of Islamic economics. The conference on the topic “Russia - Islamic World: Fair Multipolar World Order and Secure Development” was held on May 16, 2024 in Kazan as part of the economic summit “KazanForum 2024”.

“The Russian Federation and the Muslim world as a whole are two powerful regions. I really believe that cooperation between Russia and the Islamic world will form a balance of power in this hegemonic world order, which will make it possible to fight global injustice, Islamophobia and many other phenomena that hinder the development of human civilization”, - said Din Shamsuddin. The professor clarified that he has been participating in the activities of the GSV “Russia - Islamic World” since 2007, and since then he has observed the special significance and relevance of such conferences for both sides.

“Economic cooperation between Russia and the Muslim world is very viable. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation includes 57 countries with impressive natural resources: oil, gas, uranium and others. The Russian Federation occupies a similar position in the world. Therefore, if we combine the potentials of the parties as a result of productive interaction based on mutually beneficial solutions, this can become a solution to the problems of human civilization”, - Din Shamsuddin expressed hope.

It is worth noting that in the past, Professor Shamsuddin headed the Muhammadiyah organization, which is the largest non-governmental Islamic organization in Indonesia, operating for more than a century. During his speech at the GSV conference, Din Shamsuddin, among other points, noted that contacts between Russia and the Islamic world are not intensive enough, because there is a problem with the rapprochement of different ummahs. However, according to the professor, the Islamic world and Russia should be considered as two forces that complement each other and ensure the safety of the future of humanity.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"