Russian Ambassador to Iran was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran

12 August 2021


Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan was invited to the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday in connection with the publication of a photo with British Ambassador Simon Shercliffe in front of the historic embassy building in Tehran. This was reported by the press service of the Russian Embassy.

It said that "today, Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan has been invited to the Iranian Foreign Ministry because of the controversial reaction of the Iranian public" to the photo of Dzhagaryan with Shercliffe in front of the Russian Embassy in Tehran, published by the diplomatic mission.

It is also noted that "during the conversation, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, all the necessary explanations were given to the Iranian side, which have already been published in the social networks of the embassy." "The ambassador regretted the misunderstanding that arose," the report said.

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called the photo of Russian and British ambassadors against the background of the Russian Embassy building in Tehran unacceptable. "Is it necessary to remind everyone that August 2021 is not August 1941 or December 1943," he wrote on Twitter.

In August 1941, the joint Soviet-British operation Countenance began, during which the allies occupied Iranian territory. On December 1, 1943, the Tehran Conference with the participation of Joseph Stalin, the US and British leaders, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, whose meeting was held at the Soviet Union's embassy, ended.

On August 11, the Russian Embassy published a picture from the meeting of the Russian and British ambassadors, in which the diplomats are seated against the background of the historic embassy building where the Tehran Conference was held.



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Photo: Creative Commons

Based on materials of TASS