The anniversary International Film Festival "Altyn Minbar" was held in Kazan

12 September


"Altyn Minbar" International Film Festival was held in Kazan from September 6 to 11, 2024. The event's motto: "Through the dialogue of cultures to the culture of dialogue" calls on the entire world in the language of cinema to friendship and cooperation between representatives of all nationalities and religions. The forum brought together filmmakers from 40 countries, and more than 140 films were shown to the audience. The film festival was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, in partnership with the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia - Islamic World”.


The winners of the special prize "For the Dialogue of Cultures in the Islamic World" of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World" were announced by the Group's communications adviser Rezeda Makhmutova. The winners in this nomination were the film "Paradise at Mothers Feet" by director Ruslan Akun (Kyrgyzstan) and the film "The Slave" directed by Abdelilah El Jaouhary (Morocco).



In the context of the program “Russia – Islamic World” also was held a creative meeting with the actors of the series “Foundation: Osman” and “Magnificent Century. The Empire of Kosem” Fatih Ayhan and Yigit Ucan. The invited guests answered questions from the audience. During the meeting, the actors emphasized that filming and producing movies is not an easy job, citing stories from their professional activities as examples. Metin Gunay concluded the meeting by noting that "Tatarstan is rich in history, it has something to tell and show, it is an important region in Russia".

Traditionally, the film showing program of the Kazan festival was distinguished by its diversity. In addition to the competition films and films shown within the framework of the program "Russia - Islamic World", the audience was presented with the following sections: "To the cinema with the whole family", " Turkic world ", " BRICS Countries: modern cinema", "Islam in faces", " The fate of Indian tribes", a special program " War and peace: new territories". Showings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tatarstan cinema also were held. The audience was shown diploma works of students and graduates of the St. Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television, as well as Kazan premieres. In addition, the extensive program included Days of Cinema of Kazakhstan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, India and Malaysia.


The opening ceremony of the festival was attended by famous Russian and foreign film figures, in particular: People's Artists of Russia Svetlana Kryuchkova and Sergey Nikonenko; TV series "Resurrected Ertugrul" and "Foundation: Osman", chairman of the jury Metin Gunay and actor Chagry Shensoy, who is familiar to viewers from roles in the TV series "Foundation: Osman" and "Magnificent Century. The Empire of Kosem". The film that opened the festival was the Iranian film “In the Arms of a Tree”, a drama about family values directed by Babak Khajehpashа.

It is worth noting that the honorable guests were greeted in a solemn atmosphere by the Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin and the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Irada Ayupova. The First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation Rushan Abbyasov, who also took part in the ceremony, recalled the main goal of the event: "To show kind and moral cinema to the general public". "Today more than ever we need a tribune from which we could convey the true values of civilization through cinema, art and culture in general", - Irada Ayupova explained the return of the original name to the event.

Every year the concept of the international film festival undergoes some changes. For example, this time it became possible to hold an animation competition. The total number of applications approached 900 films, including 43 Kazakhstani cartoons. At the same time, the geography of the festival is expanding every year. At the current event, films from Latin America and Cuba were pleasant finds, as noted by the experts of the selection committee. According to them, the main trend of the anniversary festival program was the search for moral and ethical values in the context of social justice.

It is important to note individual film screenings that took place within the framework of the “Russia – Islamic World” program: the film from Bahrain “Rose Water” by director Mahmood Yahya Alshaikh; Turkish film "Separation" directed by Hasan Demirtash; already beloved by Russian viewers film from Kyrgyzstan "Paradise at Mothers Feet", directed by Ruslan Akun; "The Unfinished Story of Sima" from Iran, directed by Alireza Samadi; the Bangladeshi film "The Story of a Rock", directed by Zak Mir; the Russian film "All at Once" directed by Mukhammad Medzhidov; "Oliara" (Kazakhstan, directed by Tamash Tot); "The Slave" (Morocco, directed by Abdelilah El Jaouhary); "When stadiums are silent" (Azerbaijan, directed by Ali-Sattar Guliev); and "Rehearsal" (Uzbekistan, directed by Khusnora Rozmatova).


The showings took place in the city's cinemas, in the Kazan Kremlin's Public Offices and on the embankment of Lake Kaban, where viewers could watch films in the open air. However, the festival's events were not limited to just film showings. Thus, the Kazan State Institute of Culture hosted an International Pitching of Film Projects. The winner was a screenwriter from Iran, Javid Sobhani with the project "White Horse". The winner will receive 500 thousand rubles to shoot the film. The plot of the future film is tied to the story of a young Moscow journalist who tries to uncover the secret of her mother's marriage to a Tatar of Iranian origin.

The KazGIK also hosted a regional film market, which brought together more than 40 representatives of film studios, distribution companies, online cinemas, as well as independent producers and directors from Russia, near and far abroad. Since Russia's partner countries became interested in the film festival's business platform, the platform has become a place for international film organizations to enter the Russian market and vice versa. This year, representatives from Egypt, Iran, the UAE and Switzerland entered the dialogue. They were joined by filmmakers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Between the Kazan International Film Festival "Altyn Minbar" and the Baghdad Film Festival, designed to expand the boundaries of interaction and provide an opportunity to promote the festival at the global level, especially in the Islamic world. As noted by the director of the Kazan International Film Festival "Altyn Minbar" Milyausha Aytuganova: “The Baghdad Film Festival is still very young; it will become the younger brother of the Kazan Festival”. Also on the final day of the festival, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Saudi Film Festival.

Meanwhile, the exhibition "Hajj. Feelings and Sensations" has opened in the main mosque of Tatarstan, Kul Sharif, organized within the framework of the “Altyn Minbar” festival. Photos of the Sacred Mosque and the Kaaba in Mecca, Mount Arafat, the Muzdalifah Valley and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, taken both in detail and from a bird's eye view; two films shot using time-lapse and hyperlapse techniques, clearly demonstrating the process of pilgrimage to one of the centers of world civilization; unique footage from quadcopters: such an unusual combination of genres of photography was presented in the project of the artist from Saudi Arabia, Marwan Amin Fatani.

On the final day of this true celebration of art and culture, filmmakers participating and grateful spectators of the “Altyn Minbar” festival gathered at the Galiasgar Kamal Tatar State Academic Theater, where the closing ceremony with the awarding of the winners took place. The first to go on stage was Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov to warmly welcome the participants in Russian and Tatar. Mr. Akhmetov presented the Prize of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan "For Humanism in Cinematography" to the director of the film "The Mute Cuckoo" Rauf Kubaev (Russia, Tatarstan).

The festival Grand Prix was won by the film "Legends of Eternal Snows" by director Alexey Romanov (Russia, Sakha Republic), recognized by the international jury as the best full-length feature film. The title of best director of a full-length feature film went to Salavat Yuzeev (Russia, Tatarstan) for his work on the film " The Mountain of lovers", which was first in the nomination "Best Screenplay". Zhanarbek Eleubek (Kazakhstan) received an award for best cinematography for the film "Bauyryna Salu".

The best in performing skills were the actor Ulmas Oraev (the film "Evolution", Uzbekistan) and actress Sepide Arman (the film "Gazelle", Iran). The short, documentary and animation genres were not left without nominations. The best in them were the works "Honor" by director Rafael Mukaev (Russia), "20 Years Later" by director Moussa Toure (Senegal), "Paper Flowers" by the director Ramak Amin Kazemi (Iran) respectively.  

It is worth mentioning the winners of the special program “War and Peace – New Territories”: the work “Well, Hello, Darling” by director Farit Farisov (Russia, Tatarstan) and " Charged with Victory" directed by Zufar Davletshin (Russia, Tatarstan). The special film festival program "War and Peace - New Territories" brought together 10 films representing real life in the new regions of Russia. 

The awards in the nominations of the national competition, in which only works by local filmmakers participated, were presented by the rector of KazGIK Roza Akhmadiyeva. The best short film was "Amina" by director Sergei Kiatrov, the best documentary was "The Hands of Maestro" by director Alexei Barykin. The best film for children was the film "I Will Come" directed by Bulat Sabitov. Film "Monisto" directed by Gulnaz Galimullina became the best national film.



The winners in other special nominations were: “For the contribution and development of Tatarstan cinematography” – sound engineer, honored worker of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Vyacheslav Korablyov ; “For faith in the art of cinema” named after Zufar Bukharaev – documentary film “Memory paints” directed by Yuri Gvozd (Russia, Tatarstan); “For contribution to the preservation of spiritual values” – deputy director of “Tatarkino” Lilia Burkhanova and producer Svetlana Bukharaeva; Special Jury Mention – “Joseph's son” by Haobam Paban Kumar (India); NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) Jury Prize – Glass Curtain by Fikret Reyhan (Türkiye).

The winner of the special audience award is the film “Sufism” by director Younes Ben Hajria (Tunisia) - announced the director of the Kazan International Film Festival "Altyn Minbar " Milyausha Aituganova. It is important to note that during the ceremony, Ms. Aituganova was awarded the Russian Muslims Medal "For Merit". The high award was presented by the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Russian Religious Board of Muslims Rushan Abbyasov.

Except from his work on the festival selection committee, it was important for Rushan Hazrat to support his son. VGIK student Amir Abbyasov presented his student works "Dua" and "A Story of a Dream" out of competition, for which he was awarded a diploma for his contribution to the development of the Kazan International Film Festival "Altyn Minbar".

Full-length film "Paradise" directed by Prasanna Vithanage (Sri Lanka) received the prize of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Scholars of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. The diploma of the professional organization was awarded to the documentary film "Sweet Sour" by director Ahmed Alhasawi (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: KIFF "Altyn Minbar"