Putin Congratulates School Graduates

28 June

Russian President Vladimir Putin extended his heartfelt congratulations and shared advice for the future with school graduates across the nation.


"All over Russia, our vast, beautiful, and great country, school graduations are taking place. I sincerely congratulate the graduates, their parents, relatives, and mentors on this wonderful celebration filled with dreams, hopes, and the romance of youth," said Putin in a video message dedicated to school graduations.


Putin emphasized that graduating from school is a special and exciting milestone for young people, marking the start of a new phase in their lives—one that is more adult and independent, where they will make all the key decisions themselves.


The president also took the opportunity to acknowledge the crucial role of teachers, highlighting that this is a moment for graduates to express their gratitude. "Your teachers have been with you from the very first school days, supporting you in difficult moments and helping you believe in yourself," he said.


"Your teachers will always admire your successes, and they will surely come thanks to the qualities you possess: determination, persistence, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, to excel in your future profession, to benefit people, and to serve your homeland," noted Putin.


Finding One's Calling


Putin underscored the importance of graduates discovering their vocation and finding a job they love. He expressed confidence that with passion and dedication, they will be able to tackle even the most challenging tasks, and their achievements will inspire others.


Furthermore, the president highlighted the fundamental support of family. "I am confident that you will continue all the best family traditions, and together you will be able to build the future you dream of today," he said, wishing the graduates success, accomplishments, outstanding achievements, and victories.



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Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS