Dagestan Muftiyat Announces Temporary Ban on Niqabs

03 July

The Dagestan Muftiyat has announced a temporary ban on wearing niqabs until identified threats are resolved and a new theological ruling is issued. This was stated by Deputy Mufti of the Republic Abdulla Salimov.


"The Mufti of Dagestan, referencing a request from the Ministry of National Policy and Religious Affairs, which reported an existing security threat to the population of the republic, and based on a competent ruling issued yesterday [July 2] by the Fatwa Department, announces a temporary ban on wearing niqabs until the identified threats are eliminated and a new theological ruling is provided," Salimov said in a video message posted on the Muftiyat's Telegram channel.


Earlier, it was reported that the Fatwa Department of the regional Muftiyat planned to clarify the specific cases in which a local ban on wearing the niqab would be considered permissible.


On July 2, the Muftiyat announced on its Telegram channel that the Fatwa Department, after analyzing Sharia texts within the four madhabs, did not find sufficient grounds for a universal ban on the niqab. However, it was noted that in certain situations, a local temporary ban on wearing the niqab could be imposed for security reasons.


Previously, Dagestan's head, Sergey Melikov, spoke out against wearing the niqab, stating that this attire is not traditional for the peoples of the Caucasus. He justified his position partly on security grounds, arguing that such clothing allows men to hide behind these veils and enables women to smuggle prohibited items under the voluminous garments.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Elin Tabitha/Unsplash

Based on TASS materials