Dagestan to Issue Theological Opinion on Niqab Prohibition

01 July

The Muftiyat of Dagestan is preparing to issue a theological opinion, or fatwa, on the prohibition of the niqab. This was announced by Dagestan Mufti Ahmad Abdulaev during a meeting between the regional head and public figures.


"The Muftiyat of Dagestan will issue a fatwa [theological opinion] on banning the niqab in the near future," stated Abdulaev.


Abdulaev acknowledged that the topic of the niqab ban is a sensitive issue for many religious people across Russia. "Our colleagues are currently developing a fatwa on banning the niqab. To those who will criticize me, my attitude is neutral," he added.


Previously, regional leader Melikov expressed opposition to the wearing of the niqab, noting that this type of clothing is not traditional for the peoples of the Caucasus. He also cited security concerns, suggesting that such garments could enable men to disguise themselves or allow women to conceal prohibited items.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Shamil Magomedov/Creative Commons 2.0

Based on materials from TASS