BRICS Countries Express Concern Over Unilateral Sanctions

12 July 2024

Parliamentarians from the BRICS countries have voiced their concern regarding the adverse effects of unilateral coercive measures that contravene the principles of the United Nations Charter. This concern was articulated in a joint declaration adopted during the plenary session of the X BRICS Parliamentary Forum.


"We recognize the negative impact on the world economy and sustainable development of unilateral approaches that violate international law. We express concern over the use of unilateral coercive measures inconsistent with the principles of the UN Charter and having a negative impact on economic growth, trade, energy, health, and food security, especially in developing countries," states the declaration (the text of the declaration is at the disposal of TASS).


The forum participants advocate for an open, transparent, fair, inclusive, equitable, non-discriminatory, and rules-based multilateral trading system, highlighting the central role of the World Trade Organization (WTO). They emphasize the importance of special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries as a fundamental WTO principle.


Additionally, BRICS lawmakers underscore the necessity of strengthening economic and financial security, achieving national development goals of the BRICS nations, and advancing the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025. "We refer to the Second Johannesburg Declaration, which instructs the BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors to consider the use of national currencies, payment instruments, and platforms and report on the outcome to the BRICS Heads of State and Government," the declaration said.


The parliamentarians reaffirm their commitment to multilateralism and respect for international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter. They emphasize the importance of maintaining the central role of the UN in the international system, promoting sustainable development, protecting democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms for all, and fostering cooperation based on solidarity and mutual respect.



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Based on materials from TASS