CIS Countries Show Interest in Russian Standard for Integrated Territory Development

09 September

The CIS countries have shown interest in the Russian standard for integrated development of territories (IDT), which outlines regulations for high-quality housing construction. Denis Filippov, Deputy Director General of DOM.RF, shared this during an interview with TASS at the Eastern Economic Forum.


“We've already introduced the standard in Kazakhstan. Our colleagues translated it into Kazakh, implemented it, and, as far as I know, have even made it mandatory when evaluating projects for construction permits. Other CIS countries are now requesting information from us to study the standard and are discussing its potential implementation,” Filippov stated.


Filippov noted that more than 100 urban planners, designers, and architects from around the world contributed to developing the IDT standard. However, he clarified there are no plans to make it mandatory in Russia. “We don’t see much value in making it compulsory because the market itself will push for it. According to developers, projects that follow the IDT standard are more successful—apartments sell faster and at higher prices,” Filippov explained.



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Based on materials from TASS