Federation Council: Baku Could Become a Key Partner in Halal Production

20 June

Azerbaijan could become one of the key partners in the production of organic and halal products for Russia. This statement was made by First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, Andrey Yatskin, during a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Russian Federal Assembly and the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan.


"Currently, joint agricultural projects with Azerbaijani enterprises are developing in Russia, and there is promising cooperation in the supply of food products and agricultural machinery. Our country is interested in increasing the range of mutual supply goods. I want to draw attention to the rapidly developing areas of organic and halal production. The Republic of Azerbaijan can become one of the key partners in these areas," said the senator.


He asked the relevant parliamentary committees to consider these issues within the framework of bilateral cooperation. Yatskin also noted that Russia is actively working with interested countries on the mutual recognition of production standards for such products. "We hope that our Azerbaijani colleagues will be interested in this new area of cooperation," said the First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Faik Nagiyev/Pixabay

Based on TASS materials