Iran Exports Oil to 17 Countries, Including Europe, Says Oil Minister

02 July

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji announced that the Islamic Republic exports oil to 17 countries, including some in Europe. His remarks were published in a video by Mehr News Agency.


"Foreign media write that Iran exports oil to Europe. Yes! Not only that, Iran exports oil to 17 countries around the world," stated Owji. He noted that Iran is in a state of economic war and, therefore, will not disclose detailed statistics. "Whichever government comes to power in the US will not affect Iran's oil sales," Owji emphasized.


On April 18, the Financial Times, citing data from analytical company Vortexa, reported that Iranian oil exports have reached a six-year high, primarily due to increased shipments to China. The report highlighted that Iran shipped an average of 1.56 million barrels per day in the first three months of 2024, the highest since 2018.



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Based on materials from TASS