More Than 20 Russian Companies Engaged in UAE's "City of the Future"

29 December 2023

Representatives from over 20 Russian companies are actively participating in the innovative city of Masdar in the United Arab Emirates, focusing on environmentally friendly construction and sustainable development, Chris Van, the director of sustainable development at Masdar, told TASS.


While specific details on the number of European companies in Masdar were not provided, Van highlighted the substantial presence of Russian businesses or those led by Russians in the project. He noted the interest of Russian companies in collaborating with Masdar, emphasizing their alignment with the city's mission of promoting environmentally friendly practices.


"Russian businesses are interested in cooperating with Masdar for the same reasons as businesses from the rest of the world - they see the mission of this city, every company today wants to be part of a big movement advocating an environmentally friendly approach," explained Van.


Masdar, situated in Abu Dhabi, aims to be a "city of the future" with a primary objective of achieving the lowest possible emissions. The current population is around 5,000 people, and the project leaders have ambitious plans to increase this number to 40,000 in the coming years. The initiative is part of the UAE government's broader strategy to reduce waste and promote sustainable urban development.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Tim Reckmann/Creative Commons 2.0

Based on materials from TASS