Peskov: Turkey Upholds Sovereignty Amid Western Pressure on Relations with Russia

02 February 2024

Turkey continues to uphold its sovereignty in its relations with Russia, despite facing pressure from Western countries, Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.


"Turkey is one of the few countries that has maintained a principled and independent position in its relations with Russia and continues to build trade and economic cooperation with us," Peskov stressed. He acknowledged the significant pressure Turkey is under from the Anglo-Saxon powers, who are attempting to influence Turkey's interactions with Russia, potentially to its detriment.


Despite this external pressure, Peskov asserted that Turkey retains its sovereignty and is not swayed by external influences. Earlier reports from Russian and Turkish media had indicated challenges in payment processes involving transactions with Russia, with Turkish exporters experiencing bank refusals. The Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Alexei Erhov, attributed these issues to Western sanctions, while the Turkish Ministry of Trade sought solutions to the problem.



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Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS