Putin Is Informed of Removing Taliban from Banned Organizations List

27 May

The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry have informed Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Taliban (banned in Russia) could be taken off the list of prohibited groups, Zamir Kabulov, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Second Asia Department, told TASS.


As indicated by the diplomat, this stance was communicated in alignment with other governmental bodies. When questioned about the Foreign Ministry's standpoint on the matter, he emphasized it as "Positive." He further emphasized that removing the Taliban from the list of proscribed entities before its formal recognition is mandatory. "Without this step, discussions about recognition would be premature. Therefore, this matter is actively under consideration. All factors have been presented to Russia's highest authorities. We await a decision," Kabulov added.


According to him, the recognition of the Taliban government by the Russian Federation is now much closer compared to when they assumed power in Afghanistan in 2021. However, there are still hurdles to overcome before the Russian leadership can reach a decision.


Additionally, the diplomat stated that Moscow has no intentions of hosting any events or exchanging congratulatory messages with the Taliban government on the 105th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Afghanistan. He clarified that this is purely due to the lack of official recognition.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: TASS

Based on materials from TASS