Putin Warns "Russia is Only for Russians" Rhetoric Could Ruin the Country

28 March 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin is alarmed by statements from "ura-patriots" that "Russia is only for Russians."


"When I listen to these 'ura-patriots' - there are such people everywhere, in any society - including those who say that Russia is only for Russians, you know, I get a feeling of anxiety," the head of state admitted in a conversation with military pilots.


"If we keep in mind that we have 190 ethnic groups living on the territory of the country and some nationalities are represented by millions of people, as soon as we start to embrace these destructive thoughts about everyone else being outsiders here, we will ruin the country. And the main victim will be the Russian people," Putin explained.


"It is necessary to treat this very maturely, seriously, not to flap your arms and pound your gums, but to think carefully about every phrase, every word, and recognize that we have one big, united homeland," he added.



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Photo: Egor Filin/Unsplash

Based on materials from TASS