Russia Expects Taliban to Fulfill Promises on Government Inclusiveness

30 May

Russia expects the Taliban (banned in Russia) to honor their commitments to the international community regarding the inclusiveness of their government, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko. He made these remarks on the sidelines of the ninth international conference "Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era."


"Our stance on Afghanistan remains consistent. The proposal to consider removing the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations aims to facilitate their greater involvement in global communications. This move is also necessary to enhance trade and economic contacts without the hindrance of restrictions imposed under different circumstances. The Taliban are a reality on the ground, and we must acknowledge this," Rudenko stated when asked about the need for inclusiveness in the Afghan government as a prerequisite for the Taliban's recognition as the official authority.


Rudenko emphasized that Russia is not imposing any conditions on the Taliban but is simply expecting them to fulfill their previously stated promises to the international community. "We are not linking this to their activities or policies, including those directed towards Russia," he added.


On May 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov indicated that the initiative to potentially remove the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations "reflects an awareness of reality." This followed a statement by Zamir Kabulov, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Second Asia Department, who noted that both the Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry had informed Russian President Vladimir Putin about the possibility of removing the Taliban from the list of banned organizations.


On May 28, President Putin asserted the necessity of establishing relations with the Taliban, acknowledging their control over Afghanistan and their position as the current ruling power in the country.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS