Russian Ambassador Affirms Shared Positions Between Russia and Pakistan in SCO Work

30 January 2024

Moscow and Islamabad hold similar views on nearly all aspects of their collaboration within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Ambassador Albert Horev of the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan told TASS in an interview.


"We view the Shanghai organization as a significant and influential international platform for fostering trustful political dialogue on pressing global issues among member states. It facilitates coordination of cooperation in security matters, combating terrorism and drug crime, promoting economic growth, enhancing regional interconnectivity, and developing logistics infrastructure. In virtually all these areas, the stances of Moscow and Islamabad align closely or coincide," the diplomat stated.


Horev acknowledged Pakistan's contributions to the SCO's operations, mentioning that in 2024, Islamabad will take over the chairmanship of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO member states for the first time. He extended his best wishes to the Pakistani side for the successful execution of this crucial mission.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Federation Council

Based on materials from TASS