Ryabkov Affirms Russia's Support for Syria's Interest in BRICS Membership

25 April 2024

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister and the Russian Federation's Sherpa to BRICS, Sergey Ryabkov, has welcomed Syria's expressed interest in joining BRICS, highlighting it as a significant indicator of the bloc's increasing international influence.


During a press conference addressing Russia's chairmanship priorities within BRICS, Ryabkov remarked, "We can only welcome the interest demonstrated by Syria in strengthening ties with BRICS. This underscores another important signal of the bloc's growing international standing."



Ryabkov also pointed out the mounting interest in BRICS activities, suggesting a potential expansion of the pool of prospective member states. "We are approaching this process with utmost diligence," - he emphasized. - "One of the key reasons behind the leaders' decision at the 2023 summit in Johannesburg to task the development of criteria and procedures for admitting partner states is the recognition, both at the leadership and operational levels, that a considerable queue has formed for BRICS membership. Over 30 countries have expressed interest."


Highlighting the various forms of interest in participating in BRICS activities, Ryabkov noted Syria's desire for membership, recently conveyed by the country's ambassador to Russia. "Expressions of interest come in written and verbal forms, including at high-level engagements," - he explained. - "The ambassador's statement serves as a significant and official signal. We will address this matter comprehensively, considering both expansion and the establishment of partner categories, while also acknowledging the longstanding special relations between Moscow and Damascus."




GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS