Ryabkov Confirms Saudi Arabia's Potential Membership in BRICS

01 February 2024

During a press conference following the inaugural meeting of the sherpa and sous-sherpa group under Russia's BRICS presidency, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov confirmed that Saudi Arabia meets all the criteria to be considered a member BRICS.


He stated, "Saudi Arabia, naturally, aligns with all the criteria that were discussed last year and developed for potential new members. Moreover, it fits logically and sensibly within the BRICS community. While there may still be unresolved internal processes within Saudi Arabia, we acknowledge their existence."


Ryabkov expressed readiness to welcome Saudi Arabian representatives to future BRICS events, similar to previous engagements where Saudi participants have taken part, including during Russia's current presidency. He emphasized that Russia respects Saudi Arabia's ongoing internal deliberations regarding BRICS membership.


"BRICS, by its very essence, opposes any form of imposition or dictation," - Ryabkov explained. - "This is a platform where we are eager to collaborate constructively with all willing partners while upholding the core principles of BRICS."


He acknowledged that Saudi Arabia's absence from the recent sherpas and sous-sherpas meeting in Moscow was due to technical reasons. Earlier reports indicated that Saudi Arabia, among other countries, had joined the BRICS group effective from January 1, 2024.



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Photo: Federation Council

Based on materials from TASS