Precepts of Lukman Khakim

29 December 2023

“Wisdom is the correct understanding of the religion of Allah, the ability to put things in their proper place, to move forward in a timely manner and to retreat when necessary, it is the ability to utilize the knowledge gained in life and the ability to impart knowledge to others, using the capabilities of one’s intellect that the Creator has gifted each of us with”.

Thus, the question of what wisdom is was answered by Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev, the author of Precepts of Lukman Khakim, published by the Huzur Publishing House in 2022. The edition is available in Russian and Tatar. Reflections on the quality of mind, which the Almighty granted to the ancient righteous man, begins the main part of the book about the instructions of Lukman Khakim, who lived at the time of Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him). Khakim means wise man in Arabic.

The Islamic legend attributes Lukman to the representatives of the ancient peoples of Arabia. During a terrible drought, he and his tribesmen went to Mecca to ask for rain, but instead he prayed to Allah for a long life. The Almighty granted him a time equal to the life of seven eagles - each of the birds was born after the death of the previous one. As a result, Lukman became a long-lived man.

The 31st surah of the Quran is named after Lukman, which lists the advice and precepts of wise Lukman given to his son, among which he included the commandment to take care of one’s parents and show respect for them in all circumstances. In the second chapter, Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev explains in an accessible and free way the religious precepts united by Lukman Khakim’s call to his child to do good and avoid evil. Human wisdom, according to the author of the book, is formed not only by knowledge of the sacred commandments, but also by understanding the benefits of their fulfillment.

The precepts of Lukman Khakim, preserved in various books, legends and traditions, form the basis of the next chapter of the book. “Do not forget the two truths about Allah and death” - Jalil Fazlyev brings out in the introduction, and continuing the theme, easily and understandably argues about the inevitability of the end of life. Preservation of purity of heart in prayer, refusal of material rewards for good deeds, ability to forgive offences, protection of the body from excesses, and the tongue from unnecessary words, are able to facilitate the worldly life of a person to do good deeds. Confirming the truths, Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev quotes ayats from the Quran in Arabic accompanied by a translation.

There is no reliable information about the origin of Lukman. According to the most common theory, he was a freed Ethiopian slave. Some legends say that Lukman was a carpenter from Sudan and a tailor. There is also a version that the righteous man was a disciple of Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) and after his training he became a judge. The third chapter of Precepts of Lukman Khakim contains numerous parables about the ancient righteous man, which reflect patience, piety, rich life path, and wisdom of the historical character recognized by generations.

Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev, in addition to the author’s comments on Lukman Khakim’s precepts, supplies the narrative with his own observations. The author’s witty remarks facilitate difficult to understand thoughts, while emphasizing the boundless brevity of centuries-old wisdoms. Giving examples from modern life, Jalil Fazlyev also appropriately refers to folklore tales, fairy tales of different nations, works of national poets, and even mathematical concepts. The author’s creative method draws the reader even closer to the legacy of the wise righteous man and gives integrity to the image of Lukman Khakim.

In the last chapter Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev reflects on the duties of a man, which seems absolutely logical - one cannot give wise instructions to one’s own child, only inspired by the example of Lukman Khakim. It is the responsibility of every parent to become an example of piety and righteousness for their offspring. The final part of the book, entitled Preserving the Family - Preserving the Fatherland, tells us that a man’s business does not end with building a good home, he must be a protector of his family and religion, possess the knowledge necessary for this, and honor his roots. At the same time, speaking of home, Jalil Hazrat means the state.

Jalil Vasilovich Fazlyev was born on 24 September 1956. A well-known religious and public figure came to the field of spiritual service back in Soviet times. Possessor of higher secular education and officer rank, Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev still continues to teach children religion, despite his workload. More than twenty religious books have come out from under the pen of Jalil Hazrat, including Instruction to Parents, Steps of Life, Life-Long Happiness and many others. It is important to note that since 2006 Jalil Fazlyev has been the Chief Qadi of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to legends, Lukman Khakim gave instructions to his son in the number of tiny mustard seeds that fit in one bag. It is impossible to list them all, but the precepts described in Jalil Hazrat’s book can help each of us to make the right conclusions and guard against mistakes. Precepts of Lukman Khakim is worthy of becoming a desk book of everyone, allowing in an accessible form to get acquainted with the figure of the ancient sage and giving the opportunity to improve their morals through reading.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Huzur Publishing House