Expert Naumkin: Serious Conflict Between Israel and Turkey Possible

24 December 2024

A serious conflict between Israel and Turkey cannot be ruled out, as both are major beneficiaries of the recent developments in Syria, according to Vitaly Naumkin, Scientific Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He shared this opinion during the presentation of the report by the Primakov Center for Foreign Policy Cooperation titled “Russia's Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy Mission in the Middle East” at TASS.


“We should not forget that, in light of recent events, there has been a sharp increase in the influence of non-Arab states in the region, particularly two key beneficiaries of what happened in Syria,” Naumkin stated. “The first beneficiary is Israel, which is becoming a pivotal state in the Middle East. The second is Turkey, which is currently competing with Israel. I do not rule out the possibility of a serious conflict.”




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Based on TASS materials