Iran: Assaults on Israel to Halt Upon Cessation of Gaza Operation

18 July

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani has declared that forces supporting the Palestinian movement Hamas will halt their attacks on Israel once it ends its military operation in the Gaza Strip.


"When the crimes of the Zionist regime (Israel) in the Gaza Strip cease, it is evident that the resistance forces will not engage on other fronts. However, as long as Israeli atrocities and genocide persist in Gaza, the resistance maintains the right to act in its interests," Kani stated in an interview with CNN, published on the Iranian Foreign Ministry's website.


The diplomat insisted that the Israeli military operation in the Palestinian territory "will never turn the situation in favor" of Israel. "Prior to October 7, 2023, there was no coordination among the Islamic resistance forces in the region; Israel faced no threat from Iraq or Yemen. However, the situation changed after October 7," he added.


"Before October 7, there was no direct threat to Israel from the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, following Israeli attacks on the Iranian embassy in Damascus and the killing of several senior Iranian military officials, Iran retaliated with missiles on Israeli territory." He was referring to Iran's missile and drone strike on Israel on April 13 in response to the Israeli air force's shelling of the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1.


Bagheri Kani cautioned Israel that continued actions in the Palestinian territory would trigger "new regional capabilities" against the Jewish state. He described a potential Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon and escalating tensions with the Shiite militia Hezbollah as a "strategic mistake" that could spread the conflict across the Middle East and pose "serious danger" to Israel.


Tehran considers several Muslim, predominantly Shiite, militant groups as its allies in the region, collectively referred to as the "Axis of Resistance." These include the Palestinian Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah, the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, Yemen's Houthi movement Ansar Allah, and Shiite units from Afghanistan and Pakistan fighting terrorist groups in Syria.


The Future of Palestine


Bagheri Kani emphasized that the future of Palestine should be determined by the Palestinian people themselves, not external players. "Why should decisions about the Palestinian people be made in New York, Washington, Brussels, or elsewhere? Who granted others this right? Did the Palestinian people give the right to those in New York to make decisions on their behalf? Why not allow the Palestinian people to choose their own future? In my opinion, this is the most logical, democratic, and sustainable solution," he said.


He also articulated Iran's official stance on the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, advocating for a referendum on historical Palestinian territories, including "both current residents of the occupied [by Israel] territories and those forced to leave due to Israeli pressure." The referendum would involve Muslims, Christians, and Jews to decide the country's future and its political mechanisms.


On July 17, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated at a UN Security Council meeting that Palestinians should determine their future without external interference. He underscored that no decisions about Palestine should be made without its involvement. He also highlighted Moscow's support for Palestine's accession to the UN, noting that nearly 150 countries have recognized its sovereignty. Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed that Russia's position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is based on UN Security Council resolutions, which call for the creation of two independent sovereign states: Israel and Palestine.


Israeli Operation in Gaza and Escalation on Lebanon Border


The Middle East situation escalated significantly after Hamas attacked Israeli territory on October 7, 2023. In response, Israel launched a military operation in Gaza aimed at destroying Hamas' military and political structure, resulting in 38,800 Palestinian deaths and 89,400 injuries, 70% of whom are women and children.


In mid-June, the Israeli army approved an operational plan for an offensive in Lebanon. Following its operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israeli authorities aim to simultaneously strike Hezbollah forces, who, like Hamas, act against Israel and periodically shell its territory. Since October 2023, the intensity of Israeli army strikes on Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon has increased.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the Rais RT

Based on TASS materials