Lavrov to Lead UN Security Council Meetings on Global Order Issues

16 July

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, serving as the President of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for July, will lead several critical meetings of the Council. Lavrov’s presidency commenced on July 1, and he will spearhead a ministerial-level debate on "Multilateral Cooperation for a More Just, Democratic, and Sustainable World Order." Additionally, a ministerial meeting focusing on the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, is scheduled for July 17.


Key Issues on the Agenda


In a statement on the program "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin," Lavrov emphasized the importance of multilateral cooperation and the need for equal and indivisible security. He highlighted concerns about Western manipulation, stressing the necessity for transparency and accountability. Lavrov mentioned the repeated calls for the West to provide evidence regarding the victims in Bucha, as reported by BBC correspondents.


The UNSC's agenda will include bilateral meetings to discuss pressing international and regional issues, such as the Middle East situation, the crisis in Ukraine, and efforts to uphold the UN Charter. However, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the United States has not requested a meeting between Lavrov and Secretary of State Antony Blinken during these sessions.


Russia’s Role as a Responsible Player


Russia's presidency of the Security Council often garners significant global attention. Russia aims to address critical issues, including food and energy security and the challenges faced by developing nations. The Russian presidency prioritizes strengthening UN cooperation with regional organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and the Commonwealth of Independent States.


The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that it will work diligently to ensure the UNSC operates efficiently and inclusively, seeking common ground that respects the interests of all member states.


Lavrov's Influence at the UN


Lavrov's visits to the UN are notable events for correspondents familiar with his tenure as Russia's Ambassador. His speeches at Security Council meetings are highly anticipated, and his press conferences draw considerable media attention. Lavrov's leadership during his presidency is expected to significantly impact the Council's discussions and decisions on global issues.



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Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on TASS materials