Nebenzya: Israel Undermines the UN Decisions That Allowed It to Join the Organization

10 October

Israeli authorities, by sabotaging key UN resolutions regarding the Palestinian issue, are effectively undermining the very decisions that enabled the Jewish state to become a member of the United Nations, according to Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.


“I would like to remind everyone that in 1949, the State of Israel was admitted to the UN on the condition that it complies with and implements two fundamental General Assembly resolutions: [Resolution] 181, which outlined the partition of Palestine into two states—one Arab and one Jewish—and [Resolution] 194, which addresses the issue of refugees and forms the basis for the mandate of UNRWA (the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East),” Nebenzya stated during a Security Council meeting. “It’s a paradoxical situation—by obstructing these resolutions, Israel is essentially and deliberately undermining the very decisions that allowed it to join the UN.”


Nebenzya also pointed out that “Palestinians are still denied full membership in the UN.” He added, “This is done with the active support of Israel's aforementioned American allies, who single-handedly vetoed a relevant resolution drafted by the Algerian delegation.”



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Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS