Nebenzya: US Blocks UN Security Council Efforts to Establish Ceasefire in Gaza

11 October

The United States continues to block all attempts by members of the UN Security Council to adopt resolutions aimed at establishing a ceasefire in Gaza, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said during a Security Council meeting.


"Our American colleagues have stopped taking active steps in the Security Council, yet they continue to block any efforts by its members to pass resolutions that could lead to a ceasefire in the region. Israel is now going all-in, despite the bitter lessons of the 2006 campaign. Their American accomplices, similarly acting on a 'win or lose' basis, are also constrained by the ongoing climax of the US presidential election campaign. We understand this dynamic, but the question remains: What should Security Council members do in this situation?" the diplomat remarked.


Nebenzya further noted that both Israel and the US are contributing to the escalation in the Middle East. "On October 3, Russia sent a shipment of humanitarian aid to Beirut, and we see that many of our colleagues are doing the same. However, these humanitarian efforts are clearly insufficient given that Israel and the United States are pouring fuel on the fire of the most destructive escalation in the Middle East, flagrantly violating international laws and charters," he added.



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Photo: Angelique Johnson/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS