Russia welcomes agreements on the establishment of a long cease-fire in Yemen

04 April 2022

Moscow welcomes the agreements of the parties to the Yemeni conflict, which accepted the UN proposal to conclude a cease-fire for two months with the possibility of subsequent extension, from the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement on Monday.

"Moscow welcomes the agreements on the establishment of a long ceasefire, which have been reached by the opposing Yemeni sides for the first time in the last few years of the conflict. In this regard, we would like to emphasize the role of [UN Special Envoy for Yemen] Hans Grundberg, whose efforts have greatly contributed to the agreement and implementation of the ceasefire, and express the hope that it can be extended and expanded at the end of the stipulated period," the statement said.

"We assume that such positive steps will contribute to the restoration of mutual trust, allow the transition to a full cessation of hostilities and the launch of a comprehensive peace settlement process in the Republic of Yemen under the auspices of the UN," the Russian foreign ministry added.

The Russian foreign ministry is also closely following the Riyadh conference on settling the internal Yemeni crisis, held from March 29 to April 7 with the participation of representatives of influential political forces of the country, which was organized on the initiative of Saudi Arabia under the auspices of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf. "We expect that the results of this forum will normalize the political and socio-economic situation, establish mutual understanding among various Yemeni parties and movements, and improve the humanitarian situation in Yemen," the diplomatic office added.

"We remain convinced that the Yemeni crisis has no military solution, and the restoration of the long-awaited peace in friendly Yemen is only possible through a broad national dialogue based on the interests and concerns of all leading political forces, confessional and regional groups of this country," the ministry concluded.



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Based on materials from TASS