Syria Will Meet Turkey's Demands if Principles of International Law Are Respected

15 July

Syria is open to initiatives aimed at normalizing relations with Turkey but will only proceed if the principles of international law are respected, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said during a conversation with voters at a polling station in Damascus, as reported by Al-Ikhbaria TV station.


"Naturally, no one wants problems with their neighbors, but Syria is ready to meet Turkey and improve ties with it in accordance with certain rules," - al-Assad explained. - "This is about respecting the principles of international law. We are doing so because we wish the ongoing efforts to normalize Syrian-Turkish relations to succeed."


Al-Assad, during a meeting with Russian presidential special envoy for the Syrian settlement Alexander Lavrentiev on June 26, emphasized that Damascus is "open to all initiatives aimed at improving relations with Turkey, as long as this process is based on respect for the sovereignty and aspirations of the Syrian state to restore its authority over the entire territory of the country." On June 28, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan stated his readiness to restore diplomatic relations with Damascus, which were severed in 2012.



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Based on TASS materials