Full Text of Vladimir Putin's Inauguration Speech

07 May 2024

The Kremlin website has released the complete text of Vladimir Putin's inauguration speech, delivered during the ceremony at the Kremlin on May 7. TASS has quoted the entire message.

Dear citizens of Russia,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,

As I stand here, assuming the office of President, I am deeply moved to express my heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Russia across every corner of our vast land, to the inhabitants of our historic territories who have steadfastly defended the right to stand alongside our Motherland.


I extend my humble respect to our heroes, to those who have participated in a special military operation, and to all who continue to fight for the Fatherland.


Once more, I thank you for the trust and unwavering support you have bestowed upon me. Now, I speak directly to every citizen of Russia.


Moments ago, I solemnly recited the words of the presidential oath. Its essence encapsulates the supreme purpose of the head of state – to safeguard Russia and serve our people.


I am acutely aware that this is a tremendous honour, a duty, and a sacred obligation. It is this conviction that has guided my endeavours in previous years, and I pledge to continue prioritizing the interests and security of the Russian people above all else.


The unified will of millions is a formidable force, a testament to our collective, resolute belief that we alone will shape the destiny of Russia, for the present and future generations.


Your endorsement of the nation's trajectory carries immense significance, especially as we confront formidable challenges. I discern in this a profound grasp of our shared historical aspirations, a resolve to steadfastly defend our chosen path, our values, our freedom, and the national interests of Russia.


I am confident that we will navigate this challenging, pivotal period with dignity, emerging even stronger, and steadfastly realizing our long-term plans and ambitious projects aimed at achieving our development objectives.


Foremost among these objectives is the welfare of our people. I am certain that our commitment to time-honoured family values and traditions will continue to unite societal and religious organizations, political parties, and all levels of governance.


Our decisions regarding the nation's and regions' development must be effective and equitable, enhancing the well-being and quality of life of Russian families.


We have been and will remain open to nurturing cordial relations with all nations that regard Russia as a reliable and principled partner – a sentiment shared by the majority of the world.


We extend an invitation for dialogue to Western countries. The choice lies with them: whether to persist in impeding Russia's progress, perpetuating a policy of aggression and sustained pressure over the years, or to seek a path of cooperation and peace.


Let me reiterate: dialogue, including on matters of security and strategic stability, is attainable. However, it must be conducted on equal footing, devoid of arrogance, swagger, or exceptionalism, with mutual respect for each other's interests.


In collaboration with our partners in Eurasian integration and other centers of sovereign development, we will persist in shaping a multipolar world order and an equitable, indivisible security framework.


In a rapidly evolving, complex global landscape, it is important for us to be self-sufficient and competitive, charting new horizons for Russia, as has been the case throughout our history.


Yet, we must heed its lessons, mindful of the tragic toll of internal strife and upheaval. Therefore, our state and socio-political structure must be robust, resilient against any challenges and threats, ensuring progressive, stable development, national unity, and independence.


However, stability does not equate to stagnation. Our state and social system must be flexible, fostering conditions for renewal and forward progress.

We observe the evolving societal ethos, where reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, integrity, nobility, and courage are esteemed virtues. I pledge to facilitate the ascension of individuals who exemplify these qualities, who have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to the Fatherland through deeds, into prominent roles within state administration, the economy, and all spheres of society.


We must ensure steadfast continuity in our nation's development for generations to come, nurturing and educating young people who will fortify Russia's might, advance our statehood founded upon ethnic harmony, and preserve the traditions of all peoples residing within our borders – a civilization bound together by the Russian language and our rich multicultural heritage.



Dear friends,

I will exert every effort within my capacity to justify your trust, utilizing all the constitutional powers vested in the head of state. Yet, I emphasize that the outcome of our endeavours depends critically upon our unity, cohesion, and collective aspiration to serve the Fatherland, to safeguard it, and to serve it with unwavering dedication.


Today, we answer to our thousand-year history and our forebears. They scaled seemingly unachievable heights because they always placed the Motherland first, understanding that truly monumental achievements are possible only in unity with their country and its people, thereby forging a global power, our Fatherland, attaining triumphs that continue to inspire us today.


With unwavering resolve, we look towards the future, charting our course, formulating and executing new projects and programs designed to further accelerate our development, to fortify our resilience.


We are a united nation, and together, we shall surmount all obstacles, realizing all that we have envisioned. Together, we shall prevail!



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS