Russia calls on Lebanese politicians to show restraint and discretion

15 October 2021

Russia expressed concern over rising political tension in Lebanon and called on the political forces of the republic to show restraint and discretion, the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement issued on Friday.

"We expect that the hard-fought government of Najib Mikati will cope with this dangerous challenge and prevent further degradation of the situation in the country," the diplomatic mission stressed. - "We call on all Lebanese politicians to show restraint and discretion and to return to working together constructively to resolve current issues on the national agenda on the basis of mutual respect and agreement, without external interference".



Shiite parties organized a rally outside a courthouse in Beirut on Thursday demanding the resignation of judge Tarek Bitar, who heads the commission investigating the August 4, 2020, bombing at the Lebanese capital's seaport. The Hezbollah party and its allies accused Bitar of "deliberately politicizing the investigation process" and threatened to quit the newly formed government if the judge was not removed from his post. Unidentified snipers opened fire on protesters and the military patrols providing security. According to the latest reports, seven people were killed and more than 30 injured.

Shiite forces blamed the incident on supporters of the Lebanese Forces Christian party. The Lebanese leadership has categorically denied any involvement in the incident and demanded that the authorities clearly identify those responsible. Prime minister Najib Mikati declared October 15 a day of mourning for the dead, while president Michel Aoun condemned attempts to exacerbate the internal political situation and promised a thorough investigation into the incident. In turn, Saad Hariri, former head of government and leader of the Sunni opposition movement Al-Mustaqbal, compared the current situation with the period of the 1975-1990 civil war.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Creative Commons

Based on materials from TASS