Russian Foreign Ministry Extends Condolences for Tragedy at Gaza Strip Tent Camp

30 May

Moscow extends its heartfelt condolences to the Palestinian people and leadership following the tragic events at a tent camp in the Gaza Strip. The Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said during a briefing, urging the Israeli authorities to halt their fire and abide by the resolutions set forth by the Security Council and the UN General Assembly.


"We wish for a swift recovery for all those injured and extend our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims, as well as to the entire Palestinian populace and its leadership," expressed the diplomat.


Zakharova underscored that the incident directly stems from the Israeli side's disregard for several resolutions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly, which have called for an end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip and the establishment of reliable humanitarian access to the enclave.


"In light of this, we reiterate our call for the immediate implementation of these resolutions. Doing so would facilitate the establishment of a sustainable ceasefire, ensure vital assistance reaches Gaza's residents, and pave the way for resolving the conflict through political and diplomatic means," stressed Zakharova.


She lamented that the tragedy unfolded within a refugee tent camp, purportedly a safe haven for those displaced by conflict to seek shelter from bombardments. "This tragic incident unequivocally illustrates that the entire Gaza Strip has become an area of grave danger for its inhabitants, posing not just a theoretical but a tangible risk," added the spokeswoman.


The Israeli military's airstrikes on Rafah on Monday night resulted in at least eight rockets striking a tent camp in the Tell al-Sultan neighborhood, adjacent to a warehouse of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. A fire erupted in the tent city, killing at least 40 people, the majority of whom were women and children, according to the latest figures reported by the Palestinian news agency WAFA. The Israel Defense Forces' press service stated that the General Staff has initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the civilian casualties in the strike.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS